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BMW Alpina 2002 ti Group 2 Race car
- Alpina slide throttle with Kugelfischer injection pump
- ready to race
- huge spare parts package
Power:177 kW (241 BHP)
Colour:colorado orange
130,000.00 € (§25a UStG.)
130,000.00 € (§25a UStG.)


This race car has been built according to FIA Group 2 regulations period G2 (1970-1971). A valid Historic Technical Passport (HTP) is available. The car has period Swedish Rallye History and had a Swedish street registration. It also has a Swedish „Vagnbok“ from the 70´s. The VIN of this 2002 ti race car is #1684101, so it is a proper 2002 ti. The car has been completely restored and is ready to race. Raced in the 2022/2023/2024 Heritage Touring Cup (HTC) by Peter Auto and also in the FHR

Technical specification:




Many spares available: